Becoming Certified

To achieve your initial certification as a Texas Master Naturalist:

1.      Complete the minimum requirements of our training program by December 31, 2025.

Attend and complete the assignments for at least 13 of the 14 class sessions. If you miss more than one class, you will need to arrange for a make-up class.


2.      Complete your Certification Requirements by December 31, 2025.


Ø  Complete a minimum of 40 volunteer service hours (VS) in our local  area, which includes Collin and Hunt Counties and nearby communities.

Ø  Complete 8 hours of approved Advanced Training (AT)

Once you complete these requirements, you will become a Certified Texas Master Naturalist. The chapter will recognize you at the next chapter meeting and you will receive your Initial Certification dragonfly pin (Pictured above) and your official Blackland Prairie Texas Master Naturalist name badge.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: In return for the training you are receiving, you have pledged to complete the requirements for certification by Dec. 31, 2025.

Use of the Texas Master Naturalist Title

After you become a Certified Texas Master Naturalist, you may identify yourself as such only when performing unpaid volunteer service associated with and approved by the Blackland Prairie Chapter.

Important! The title “Texas Master Naturalist” may not be identified with any political viewpoint and may not be used by groups or individuals who participate in political advocacy. The title may not be used for advertising or other business, personal or professional purposes. Violation of these policies is grounds for removing the certification of a member, removing the member from the chapter, or dismissal from the Program.